If your Greenville, South Carolina, is landscaped with native trees and shrubs, you may notice pine needles, leaves, and other vegetation accumulating in or around the outdoor cabinet of your air conditioning unit. Although trees add depth and beauty and provide shade for your home, the seasonal shedding of leaves can affect heating, ventilation, and air conditioning equipment. A universal condenser cover can solve the problem, providing a protective shield against dust, leaves and other debris.

Benefits of Using a Universal Condenser Cover

The Department of Energy recommends covering the outdoor condenser cabinet of a central air conditioning system during the cooler months when the air conditioner is not in use.

Manufacturers build condenser cabinets with robust materials that resist the elements, including snow, rain and heat. However, in the fall in the Greenville area, strong winds blow debris that can affect the performance and longevity of your HVAC system. You may notice twigs, berries, leaves or other debris clinging to the sides of the cabinet. If these materials enter the cabinet, they can damage the components inside.

Selecting a Universal Condenser Cover for Your HVAC System

Universal condenser covers come in many materials and configurations. Professionals recommend using a breathable material, such as mesh, that allows airflow and promotes ventilation. A full cover made of a dense material may trap moisture inside, which can cause interior components to rust. In addition, full covers provide a snug place for critters to winter over. You do not want to find a nest of mice in your air conditioner when you remove the cover in the spring.

Half covers keep out dust and vegetation without risking damage to interior components. Before you purchase one, verify the size. Standard covers are 32 inches by 32 inches and fit most condenser units.

Contact Greenville’s Trusted HVAC Professionals at Preferred Choice Heating and Air

The NATE-certified service technicians at Preferred Choice Heating and Air can help you select a condenser cover for your air conditioner. In addition to providing HVAC services, we also offer an array of advanced HVAC accessories, including smart thermostats and high-quality air filters, to enhance the performance and safety of your heating and cooling equipment.

Call today for more information about our services, universal condenser covers and other advanced HVAC accessories.

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